Friday, November 28, 2008

Shame on you

Shame on you my nieghbour, Is this the way that you were taught by your forefathers to cover up your internal problems? You went there and when you saw her, you called her 'Gorgeous'. Ain't you a flirt Mr? We Indians are proud that we do not have any one like you as our leader. Stop flirting and control your men, do not ask them to attack your neigbour in this way..Shame on you and your country.
You cannot stop us Indians from growing, we are going to be number one. Here, we all live as one, united. Our young minds are not spoiled like yours. We love each other, we are never taught to hate.

Neighbour, Better take care of yourself.

"No more Terror"

Jai Hind.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Grow Up Kids!!! (7th std Social Studies)

One more reason to hate the BAD politicians/Religious leaders! I read the the lesson in the 7th std text book(see the pic above) . There is not a thing that is aganist religion in that lesson and our children needs more like this. If we look at people who is shouting and fighting against the text book, we will find that they've never been to school or would have never passed 7th standard. They have no rights to deny our children the rights for good education. Just saw Prof.Yashpal praising the person who wrote this lesson. What a shame for us "malyalis".
Where are we going? are we still in backfoot?
I believe in GOD and religion is something that brings us close to God. God want us to love each other and live in harmony, not to fight and destroy public properties. Interesting that who did things which no religion will allow is leading the protests against this Social Science text book.
Protestors , I have only this to say "Grow Up Kids!!!"