Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Arduino - What it is?

So you may have heard about a thing called Arduino and you're wondering what the heck it is. So what is an Arduino at its essence, the Arduino is an electronics tool for making really cool things, and people make all types of really awesome.

 Things like atomic clocks, quad, copters, pet feeders, art projects, 3d printers, even electron microscopes, and the list goes on and on and it's going to keep going on for a long time to come. So you're, probably familiar with the term integrated circuit, and an integrated circuit is really just a tiny computer that does some type of computation.


Now, traditionally, integrated circuits have been a little difficult to figure out how to use usually have to have some electronics knowledge or be able to know how to program in order to get them up and running.


But what the Arduino team has done is make using a specific, integrated circuit so easy to use that somebody without any prior electronics or programming knowledge can really get started relatively simply now.


The way they've done. This is twofold. First, they've, made the hardware easily accessible, so the Arduino board itself is just a printed circuit board and on that printed circuit board is the integrated circuit that you use and on the outside, they have pin headers, which allow you to connect to The integrated circuit — and then they've, set it up, so you can easily connect it to your computer with a USB cable.


Now, on the software side, they've created an entire software programming environment. That is very streamlined for somebody who's just getting started with programming to make it easier than ever to program an Arduino.


Now I already mentioned a couple of things that people have made with Arduino. But what can you really do with an Arduino? Well, you can perform logical computations, so let me give you an example of some logical computations that are a little more down-to-earth, so an example would be when I press this that happens or when the light comes on that goes off.


When this opens, I get a tweet if the soil is dry. Add some water, while the Sun is shiny, keep the air conditioner. Now you could even say something more complicated like when I press this. If the sun is shining and the light is touching here, then add some water to the soil, send me a tweet and turn on the AC.


Those are examples of logical computations that you can make happen with an Arduino. Now it wouldn't, be the Arduino by itself. You'd, have to have some extra hardware for a lot of the stuff I mentioned, but I think you get the gist of what the Arduino can do.


It's. Going to be the brain behind all those computations now, if you think this is pretty cool, it gets better and it gets better because the Arduino is extremely affordable. It's, going to cost you somewhere between 20 and 30 dollars to get a legitimate, Arduino UNO board, which is kind of the flagship Arduino, and you can do all types of stuff with it in the software you need to program.


The Arduino is completely open source and free to download it's provided by the Arduino team on your website, and not only is the software open source, but the hardware itself, the actual circuit board that the Arduino is made of.


That is also open source, so you can download the design files if you feel so inclined check out how the thing is actually made. It's, really pretty cool. It has never been easier to make cool electronic projects thanks to Arduino.


All of those things we just talked about you can do those with your Arduino.

Cloud Computing

To meet ever-changing business needs organizations need to invest time and budget to scale up their IT infrastructure, such as hardware, software and services. However, with on-premises IT infrastructure, the scaling process can be slow and organizations are frequently unable to achieve optimal utilization of the IT infrastructure cloud. Computing is a paradigm shift that provides computing over the internet. A cloud computing service consists of highly optimized virtual data, centers that provide various software hardware and information resources for use when needed. Organizations can simply connect to the cloud and use the available resources on a pay per use basis. This helps companies avoid capital expenditure on additional on-premises infrastructure resources and instantly scale up or scale down. According to business requirements, you can deploy a cloud computing service by using three different models: a private cloud, a public cloud or a hybrid cloud. A private cloud function solely for one organization on a private network and is highly secure. A public cloud is owned by the cloud service provider and offers the highest level of efficiency and shared resources. A hybrid cloud is a combination of private and public deployment models in a hybrid cloud. Specific resources are run or used in a public cloud and others are run or used on-premises in a private cloud. This provides increased efficiency. Cloud computing consists of the following service models: infrastructure as a service es platform as a service pass, and software as a service SAS by using the es model organizations, get infrastructure components such as computing power and storage capacity. Here, the organization has control over the entire IT infrastructure, including the hosting environment and their applications. However, the organization to allocate additional staff to maintain and manage the infrastructure and the application Microsoft has proposed remote desktops and virtual machines to Microsoft. Windows Azure as an es offering the pass model, provides organizations with a platform or a runtime environment to create and deploy applications. Here the organization is only responsible for the development, maintenance and management of the applications. Microsoft provides the Windows Azure platform as a pass, offering the SAS model provides organizations with ready to use applications. They use a combination of cloud-based, compute and storage services. Microsoft provides various online services such as Microsoft, business productivity, online suite be paas and Microsoft Dynamics CRM online as a SAS offering to understand how cloud computing can help an organization extend its IT capabilities. Consider wide world importers a company that manufactures beauty products. Occasionally the research department has to store and process a large amount of data. Consequently, the company is looking for a cost-effective, compute and storage solution. Additionally, wide world importers has a group of scientists situated at different geographical locations, the geographical barrier effects research requiring a better collaboration solution. In addition, the company is planning to develop a cost-effective data mining application to collect visitor data during its week-long worldwide annual beauty pageant cloud computing provides wide world importers with an efficient and cost-effective solution to their problems. Wide world importers can subscribe for additional compute and storage services offered by Windows Azure on a pay per use basis to move all of its statistical data, analysis and storage to Windows Azure. By doing so, they can invest more on research wide world importers can use B. Paas Microsoft Live Meeting and Microsoft SharePoint Online for efficient collaborate for design, development and testing of the data mining application. The company can use the Windows Azure platform to focus on software evaluation and reduce the time and cost required for preparation of the development and testing environment.

All about Mindfullness

What if there existed a magic pill that can improve your health help, you live longer, build creativity, help discover your true self and ultimately make you happy. How much would you pay for a pill like this? What if it were free? Well, that pill exists and it's called mindfulness. We have on average, 60,000 thoughts a day now the trouble is most of the thoughts are over about the past, worried about the future. Our minds can often be our worst enemy and negative fault patterns. Can lead to stress anxiety, depression and, in turn, will affect our physical health to demonstrate how little control you have over your mind. Try this close your eyes and think of a blue lion. Can you do it now? Do it again, but this time close your eyes and think of a blue lion and only of a blue lion for one minute, don't, let any other thought interrupt. I bet you can. Why is that? Well, it's. The nature of the mind to wonder, and you'll notice, that as soon as you attempt to concentrate only on the blue lion within a few seconds, another thought will pop into your mind, like this exercise is silly. I'm hungry or what is this all about? It's, because our mind never ceases to throw random thoughts. Our way mindfulness helps us to take back a little that control. It helps to develop tools allowing us to not only notice these thoughts as they appear, but also allow us to choose the way we respond to them. Imagine standing in front of the dog of a bone in your hand, waving it left to right, then froda bone. What would a dog do now imagine standing in front of a line again waving the bone in its face, and then you throw it? What do you think the lion will do the lion might attack or might not? The point is the fundamental difference between the mind of a lion and a dog. The bone represents all of reality to the dog. The lion can see beyond the bone and has a choice on how to respond to the situation. Who is the king of the jungle? Who is the king of the inner jungle? The brain is a muscle and it can grow just as our muscles in the body need to be exercised. So do the muscles in the brain. Mindfulness is like doing a set of mental push. Ups as a 4 entered your mind, this is the beginning of the push-up. The completion of the push-up is one being aware of default without judgment and to bringing your attention back to the breath. It's that simple. The next thought that pops into your mind is the beginning of the next mental push-up. Scientists have shown that, just after eight weeks of practice, the parts of the brain responsible for the positive stuff, like creativity, emotional, intelligence and happiness physically, can change, shape and grow. The amygdala responsible for the fight-or-flight mechanisms related to stress, depression and addictive behaviors actually shrinks. During this time, the scientific evidence is so strong. Now the mindfulness is being employed in places like Google Bank of America, the US Marines and the National Health Service. More profoundly simple mindfulness exercises can give you a new lens in which to see yourself and the outside world without the ego and also your relationship with the present moment. It has nothing to do with religion and it's. Helping us to enjoy life be happy and ultimately allow us to help others visit renaissance podcast come to find out more be mindful. The goal is the path