Saturday, June 06, 2009

How to install SpringIDE into Eclipse3.4 Ganymede?

How to install SpringIDE into Eclipse3.4 Ganymede?

I was not able to install SpringIDE into Ganymede Eclipse 3.4 from the update site. Now I have a solution and thought of sharing it.

Go to Eclispe menu

1) Help -> "Software Update"

2) Click on Add site and add

3) Click Ok

4) Now expand “SpringIDE Update Site”

5) Expand Integrations” and Uncheck the below

a)”Spring IDE AJDT integration (optional)”

b)”Spring IDE Mylyn Integration (optional)”

6) Expand “Resources” and uncheck

a)”Spring IDE Mylyn Integrations Sources”

7) Click “Install”

8) Click “Next”

9) Select “I accept the terms and cond…”

10) Click “Finish”

You are all set to go…Happy SPRINGing!

- shijor